
Whole, Poetry, Rose Mary Johnson

Whole, a poem from, Poetry Volume One,
by Rose Mary Johnson, U.S. Copyright

Written unto thee,
I still believe.
This eternal memory…

It was when I stood in the purest of our souls.
And my heart fell flattered
that you held me whole.

Beyond the mortal embrace,
Comforting confides the velvety grace,
Unto my soul,
Words cannot bestow.
Peaceful, heaven made unto me.
I still believe.

But, many seasons hath past.
Splinters gracefully shattered,
Will brandished and battered,
isty my eyes for thee, tomorrow will I be?

ut time has not the power.
My heart beats cower.
I’ll still believe.
Even so such after I leave.

This eternal memory…

For my heart fell flattered when you held me whole.
Calm still mended all that was tattered
in the creases below.

Least not,
for all kings have sought,
And through all the riches cannot be bought.
The purest of one’s soul,
when you held me whole.

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