PYE Solutions is a fictitious company I created for doing demo content to display my skill set and knowledge. Here I am presenting a purchase order created in Google Sheets.
This purchase order contains:
- Cell referencing from another worksheet
- today() formula
- today() + 15 for ship date calculation
- Multiplication and addition amongst various cells
- Protected ranges
- Two worksheets; Purchase_Order_Office_Supplies and Product_List
The objectives of this demo/example:
- Limits data entry to P.O. number, Invoice #, and Qty of each item.
- The other components that change are those that are calculated based upon the Qty entered.
- All other elements of the worksheet Purchase_Order_Office_Supplies are either static, dynamic such as the dates, or cell referenced from the other worksheet.
About the Product_List worksheet:
Though in this demo/example, this worksheet is merely a static example of an import from the fictitious company, Office Supplies 4 U, a real world import from either Google Cloud or some other data source could be connected and either refreshed through a data connector or a reimport done on a cyclical basis.